Our main goal is to meet the needs of our donors. We pride ourselves on helping you meet your particular philanthropic goals, maximize your investment, and achieve the highest tax savings. We will work with individuals, groups, businesses, and organizations to establish endowed or non-endowed Funds. Our pledge is to be responsive and helpful to you. If you wish, we will assist you in making the best choice for the type of Fund you want to establish at the Foundation, help select the organizations you wish to support through giving from your Fund, and continue to keep you informed as we build our community partnerships over time.
Each Fundholder receives a fund statement four times each calendar year, after the close of each quarter. An annual statement covering the entire previous year is sent out in January of the beginning new year. These statements provide specific information about the gift, grant, and fee activity of your Fund during the period covered. If you need additional information, or more frequent statements, please ask us. We are happy to provide all the information you need about your Fund. For more information about donor funds and services offered, please see 25 Things You Should Know About Solano Community Foundation and 10 Reasons for an Endowed Fund at Solano Community Foundation.
For more information about ways to give, please see "Ways to Make a Gift" for some ideas and ways to make a charitable gift to your Fund or the Foundation. Funds are established to meet a wide variety of needs, catagorized by the funder's area of interest. To perhaps spark your own philanthropic creativity, we invite you to browse our Endowed Fund List, or our Non-Endowed Fund List to read about the various interests supported by our many donors.
Having a Fund at Solano Community Foundation does not mean that you as a Fundholder has nonprofit status. Your fund is using our Tax ID Number so that contributions to your fund will be tax-deductible for your donors. Until you have received your own tax-exempt determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service, your status is donor/advisor of a component fund of the Foundation.
SCF does not engage in or host fundraising activities for your Fund.
All public relations and media visibility efforts you conduct to raise money for your Fund must be reviewed by SCF staff before submitted for publication.
As of 2007, in accordance with the Pension Protection Act (PPA), there are new legal requirements and changes as to how Funds are structured and governed by community foundations, and how grants are made. Please click on the link above to read about the specifics.