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Alejandro Sanchez, Dixon High School graduate of the class of 2015 received the first ever 2015 "Dream" (DRM) Scholarship. Alejandro graduated from University of California, Los Angeles with top honors in June 2019.  He plans to attend medical school and become a Doctor.

"Before coming here I could only dream about achieving grades such as these at a school as competitive as UCLA. Now these 'dreams' have turned into goals with the realization that they are within my potential, and these goals, although difficult, are feasible. I am well aware that I am capable of fulfilling my academic aspirations as long as I maintain my intellectual curiosity, my ambition, and my effort.

Although I cannot guarantee that I will always achieve 'A' grades, I will promise that my standards will not change, and my passion for my work will not diminish.

I see the education I am receiving today as a godsend- as a great opportunity to develop as a person as well as a pathway towards my goals. I will not take this opportunity for granted, and I will do everything I can to maximize what I can achieve from my education." - Alejandro Sanchez, 2016



The 2016 recipient is Jacob Smith, a talented and deserving young man who is attending the University of California, Davis. The David Robben Memorial Scholarship is valued at approximately $80,000, and is paid out over four years at $20,000 each year. During Jacob's four years of higher education, all university tuition and fees, books and some incidentals are covered.


Dr. Frank Robben established the David Robben Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Foundation to honor his son David.  By providing financial support to exemplary students who achieve academic excellence, and who might not otherwise be able to obtain a college degree without the support, this is a 'DREAM' scholarship.

Application packages had to include three written faculty recommendations - best from science, history, English, or math teachers.  Applicants had to write a short essay on their background, and on their academic and other interests.  An interview by the Selection Committee was the final requirement for the applicant chosen as a final candidate.


Selection criteria

1) DHS graduates whose families do not have the financial means to support the student at a first class University, and

2) those students who show promise of being able to have a professional career that will contribute to the betterment of our society.

3) The applicant must be accepted, or be assured of admission to a campus of the University of California.

Application requirements

  • Academic excellence, for the purpose of this program, means that the student has earned course grades to place near the top (20th percentile) of their High School graduating class. The applicant must submit a statement regarding the financial help they have, or are able to obtain, for their University education.
  • For scholarship renewal purposes, the student should have grades (GPA) in the upper one-third of “average” University grades, and progress steadily through course curriculum, to graduate from the university in four academic years.
  • The student must be enrolled as and maintain status of a full-time (12 or more units) student during all four years of University attendance.
  • The student must provide proof of his/her course completion, and “good standing,” by submitting official grade transcripts upon completion of every grading period (quarter or semester) to the Solano Community Foundation. 
  • The transcripts will also be reviewed by the Selection Committee to help the Foundation determine if the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduating in four years.
  • There is no restriction on the proposed University major, or course of studies; all will be considered equally. The objective is to earn a baccalaureate degree in a science, arts, or engineering field in four years.
  • The scholarship recipient may elect to work part-time but employment must not impair their academic progress.
  • The applicant must agree to not take out any student loans during their four years of education.


This scholarship can also be used for the University of California Early Transfer Program, or TAG.  Six of the UC campuses offer this program. The student is admitted to the UC Campus but is allowed to take the first two years of study at a Community College, and then is guaranteed transfer to their campus – assuming of course that they have satisfied the course and grade requirements.
The donor believed that an education obtained during the first two years at one of the better Community Colleges, may be technically superior to that obtained at a UC campus. On the other hand, the ambiance of a major UC campus can be a valuable part of the educational experience, and may result in better education.  All this depends on the wishes, ability, and personality of the student. 



Oct 07, 2014

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Education & Scholarships